Design: Jule Wertheimer
- Ausstellungs-Ort/Exhibition space: Hafenplatz 1-3 Offenbach am Main
- Duration / Laufzeit: 02.05 – 11.05.2024
- Vernissage: Dienstag, 30.04.2024, 17-19Uhr
- Opening hours / Öffnungszeiten: Do-So, 02.–05.05. Fr/Sa, 10./11.05. 2-6pm
Visual languages and concepts from the art academies of Arles and Offenbach meet in an ocular echo. As part of RAY PLUS, the off -festival of the RAY Photography Triennial 2024 with the theme ECHOES, seven students of
each school playfully enter into a photographic dialogue in a joint exhibition. Luring us into their individual artistic dimensions, the works may appear to differ in form and matter at first, but unite in their personal approaches framing universal themes as environment, identity an emotion within the photographic medium. With students from Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach and .cole
nationale sup.rieure de la photographie, Arles.
Curated by Esra Klein in collaboration with Prof. Tadashi Ono and Prof. Martin Liebscher.
- Calista Bizarri
- Ilayda Dağlı
- Zayan Delbauche
- Antonio Del Vecchio
- Pol Gallo
- Haben Ghebregziabher
- Aida Lechugo
- Lea Kulens
- Nicolè Marchi
- Mark Pohodin
- Johanna Schlegel
- Kerstin Weiser
- Jule Wertheimer
- Tatiana Vdovenko
Plakat der Austellung